Monday, July 13, 2009

Fr. Stan

Often times, there is a visiting speaker in the Sunday mass who gives the homily, or after communion, gives a speech. You never know what you're going to get. Could be lengthy, could be short, could be right on.

Yesterday, a visiting Priest from Ughanda came to our Parish. His name is Fr. Stan. Stan is short for Stanislaus, and his last name was so long I can't remember it. I gave him my full attention. Stan is my grandfather's name. Anyone with the Stan is good in my book. And true to his name, Stan was right on.

After being educated in the priesthood in the U.S., Stan wen' to a Parish in a French speaking town in East Africa. At first, he wanted to educate the parishioners about Jesus. But he was torn. Just speaking about Jesus was not enough. Stan, along with a group people, felt that providing education, food, and water was the right place to start. After all, this is how Jesus started. Today, Fr. Stan has a mission that educates girls in grammar school and high school.

I felt inspired and filled by the spirit listening to him. We must do the work of Jesus. Besides listening week after week, what are we doing to bring Christ home? There are many things that fill our time, but this should get priority on the list.

While you are enjoying the summer, remember to think about Stan's message and Bring Jesus Home.

Grace & Peace


Friday, July 10, 2009

12:34:56 07/08/09

Every day is unique for some reason. On Wednesday of this past week, someone informed me that the time and date numerical sequence was a once in a lifetime occurrence.

Well, if you count both the AM and PM, maybe it occurs twice. Everything happens in time.

For the last month, a local artist who lives on Lincolnwood Avenue has sculptures are on display at the Sears Tower. Mike Finnegan is a persons very patient, creative, and kind. He helps me out with different solutions to construction questions. Mike is a carpenter, a musician, and an artist. In a lot of ways, he reminds me of my own father.

There is an article in this weeks Pioneer Press (Evanston Review) about Mike. In it, he says that creating art is similar to playing a musical instrument. It is a groove that you find and create from.

Apply this to our own faith. Faith, on a shelf, in the family room of your house, is just faith. We have to find the groove apply it, and create it. Jesus did it, and so can we.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Which Race are we Running?

So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Jesus to the life above - Philippians 3:14

The Parade for the Fourth of July was a wet one. In years past, when it rained, we left. But this rain was light enough to see most of the 140 entries without getting too wet. The hard rain started coming down after float number 89. I wanted to leave along with everyone else, but Joey wanted to stay. There we sat, two chairs, and one umbrella. As we watched the parade, everyone coming down the street would walk up and push candy and gum under the umbrella. There were not too many people to choose from. It was fun and memorable in a way.

The very end of the Parade was a marching band from the South Shore Drill Team. Maybe about 60 Dancers, followed by a huge music cart. The cart had three generators, 4 huge speakers, and a CD player. It took three or four athletic young men to push the cart. It was covered with plastic to protect the electronic equipment from the weather.

When we saw them, music was blasting out of the speakers and the entire crew was performing their routine as if there was no rain. They still had 1 1/2 miles to go, but the were focused on what they had to do.

It was there that I felt the Holy Spirit walking down the street with them. It is this type of dedication that keeps us all connected as Christians in the family of Christ.

Sometimes it rains, sometimes it does not, but regardless of how we feel and the conditions that we are faced with, we need to stay focused on the goal.

Grace & Peace


Monday, July 6, 2009

Growing Up

Several Weeks ago Megan asked if she could take the 'L' to Chicago and State to go shopping with a friend in downtown Chicago on Michigan Avenue. Realizing she had never taken the train anywhere by herself, I offered to ride down with her to make sure she got off at the right spot and headed in the right direction. Before you knew it, she was at the corner of Chicago and Michigan saying - 'Love You - Bye.' I headed home to Evanston, and she was off to see the world.

The train platform at Howard Street was interesting. Life's lessons come where you least expect them. As we boarded the Red Line train, the conductor held the train for 5 minutes as a homeless woman was boarding the same car we were sitting in. Everything she owned was in 8 or 9 boxes and bags that took up several seats. Winter Clothes, Summer Clothes, Lawn Chair, Cleaning Supplies - Everything in one spot. She stood guard over her belongings as the train jerked back and forth an the rails. The girls were a little nervous, but kept on chatting as teenagers sometimes do.

I felt for the woman and looked at her with my sunglasses on. I could only pray that God would comfort her on her journey. In the middle of this woman's bags was the outline of a book. I tried to read the title. It was the Holy Bible.

We don't need much in life beyond the Word of God and our relationship with Him. God is everywhere we go, even on the platform at Howard Street. On the Red Line Train.

Grace & Peace


Thursday, July 2, 2009

And One More Thing

Twelve Hour days at work are becoming more normal know. It is not disappointing to have a job, but the demands people in the organization have can be unrealistic. Sitting in a meeting this week, for what I believed would take 15 minutes, we were bombarded with a new 'Process' for the first two hours. It was obvious that the agendas were different.

I wondered on the way home from work.

God's plan is so much simpler, what is on His agenda?

Love one another as I have loved you.

It's a difficult plan to follow some days, especially when we've had it up to our eyeballs with the world, but the reward is great.

Peace & Love


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Real Thing

Many years ago, a refrigerator magnet found its way into our house. It is a small red and white circle. Inside the circle is the trademark of Coca-Cola. But the words are different. It says, 'Jesus Christ - The Real Thing.' The refrigerators these days don't hold magnets, but I smile when I see it in the kitchen drawer full of things.

Our lives are full of things.

When you head out the door today, take the most important thing with you.

Grace & Peace


Monday, May 18, 2009

Lookin Fine

The nighttime bedtime stories have grown to include the Look and Find Books. Katie has now found some other books that belonged to her siblings. We have been looking at the 'I Spy' book for several weeks. She can't wait to look through them at night. It's pretty difficult sometimes as your eyes can't focus on the tiny printing in the book.

Saturday morning was particularly hilarious for us. Upon entering her room to wake her up, she lifts her little head off the pillow, looks at my way, and says, 'Hey Dad - Lookin Fine'. Not what I expected to hear from a 5 year old. I moved a little closer, and she said it again, 'Lookin Fine'.

I told her that she Looked Fine too, going along with the word game. I did not understand yet what she was talking about.

Finally, with a great big laugh, she said, 'Get the Look and Find Book' and lets play.

Sometimes we see can not see or hear things things as they truly are. We make mistakes when we do not put Christ in the front of ourselves. If we look and find Him, everything else should fall into place.

Have a great week


Friday, May 15, 2009

Signs & Things

Some people in life can recall their dreams every night in vivid detail. I am not one of those people. Once in a while, two or three times a year, I have a dream that wakes me up at night. Last night was one of those nights.

I was working with my Dad in the garage on Olcott Street in Niles. Building, Sawing, Gluing, Hammering. It was great to be there. So comfortable. So real.

3 A.M. You wake up, and realize it was just a dream. I looked out the bedroom window, opened it to let some fresh air in the room. I noticed a sign on my neighbors lawn that was not there earlier in the day. Couldn't read it, but it was there.

6 A.M. Wake up for work feeling good. Had a nice talk with my Dad last night. Smile on the face.

The sign on my neighbors lawn was for the Evanston Travel Soccer Team. Registration is open.

God sends us signs all the time. Who's team are we on?

What a great Coach we have in Jesus.

Have a blessed weekend


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'I do what he says, I love him, he's mine brother.'

Summer was here for 1 day this year. The kids were in the yard. Basketball, Football, Wrestling - Skinned Knees, Bloody Elbows, and Dirty Clothes.

As she was running into the house with her muddy shoes, I had to ask her what was going on. She was sent to get water. I asked her to take off her shoes. She said no, with a smile on her face, and said she had to do what Timmy instructed her to do because she loved him.

O.K. Good answer so far.

Sweeping the floor after she left the house, I smiled at her answer.

May everything we do today be out of love for one another, and for Christ.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Standing in the Gap

This week, I have been working diligently on some course material for school. Working with two people in Chicago, and three people in Ohio, our Team was assigned a project to develop an Emergency Response Plan to a fictional town called Loganville, South Carolina.

There are several Gaps in the Preliminary Plan. We discussed these with out professor. He said we all have Gaps, but as we proceed forward with the project, we discover what those gaps will dissapear as we come closer to the solution.

His answer applies to more than just course work. It applied to my week, maybe even your week. There are so many things we can not control, so many forces working in the world that are beyond our control. They can be uncomfortable and even unsettling at times. This was one of those weeks.

Long days at work, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and even preparing for Kindergarten. Please add yours on to the list. And I remember the conversation about the Gaps. We have Gaps in out lives that we can not control.

Standing in the Gap is our Savior - Jesus Christ. There is no nothing that can happen to any one of us that we can not handle without His help.

May your week end be blessed.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wings are Optional

'The Harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in. Pray to the owner of the Harvest that he will send out workers to gather it in'. Matthew 37-38

Pray that God will allow us to hear Him when the Harvest is to be gathered. He is always calling, sometimes we don't hear the phone.

Keep listening, go forward with the strength and knowledge that Jesus needs you today to do His work.

We are the Angels on earth that can make it happen.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who's in Charge Here?

We should not worry about the future, because our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15).

In other words, God will give you what you need when you need it. Therefore, it is no surprise that Jesus repeatedly tells us not to worry: "Do not worry about tomorrow" (Matthew 6:34).

Again, Jesus emphasized that God loves and cares for us, and we therefore should not worry about our life: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:25-27).

Although you don't know what God has in store for you, be assured that He has a good plan for your life (see Romans 8:28). Because He has such a good plan for you, there is no need to worry about life. Although you don't know what tomorrow holds, you have the opportunity to know the one who holds tomorrow!

God is in Control. Yes, we are in the drivers seat, and the burden may seem too heavy at times, but remember to give the Control to God. Give it Up!



Monday, March 9, 2009

Just The Ticket I Wanted

At 2:00 PM on Sunday, the second grade students who are to make their First Holy Communion, gathered in the church at St. Athanasius. The afternoon was billed as a Retreat. The children, as well as the parents were given time in the Church, the School Room , and the Fitzgerald Center (the Chapel).

Our group enededthe day in the Chapel. It was their that Mrs. Bambrick invited the children and adults to meditate, breathe, and invite Jesus into our Heart Room. The Heart Room is a special place where you can talk to Jesus. Hug Jesus. Tell Him what we did right and wrong. Ask for forgiveness.

A candle was lit on a small table in the center of the room. A loaf of Bread and a wine colored drink were also there. A CD player made it a very intimate place. As Mrs. Bambrick talked, she asked the children to recall a special meal, who was there, what they ate, and what was the occasion.

My thoughts wondered to April 12th, 2008. It was then that Fr. Bob came over to Rose Street to give Papa the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Bob politely asked him, "Tom, do you want me to break off a piece?". "No", he responded, "I want the whole thing." And that was the last meal Papa ever needed.

This special meal that the children will be receiving in 8 weeks for the very first time, will be very special. Prior to leaving the room, each of the children were handed a ticket. The ticket read:

Jesus of Nazareth requests the honor
Of your presence at a dinner
To be given in His Honor.
May 2, 2009

The ticket sits on our dining room table, a reminder of what is to come.

May your week be blessed.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Room 102

It was a place I never expected to be. In early January, a Skokie Policeman issued me a ticket to appear in court at 1:30 PM, Room 102 of the Skokie Court House. The ticket was issued because the occupant of my car allegedly rolled a stop sign. To make matters worse, someone forgot to put proof of insurance in the car.

The court room was crowded. The County Sheriff employee instructed everyone to slide towards the wall, make room for everyone else.

A court room is a weird place. Accused, but really not guilty, I waited for my friend, also an attorney.

The Judge called my name. Before I made it to the front of the court room, the license that had my picture on it was handed back to me. It was amazing for me to see the lawyers work. They know the each other, they know the system, and they know the law.

The law and the truth created freedom last week. I am extremely grateful to Tom Lienenweber for his friendship.

While I look back a last week for a lesson, the following sticks in my mind. In Jesus, we also know the law and the truth. Jesus has a great job and the benefits are amazing too. If you believe in Him, and follow the law, you can be His best friend forever.

Have a great weekend. Come to a full stop. Have your proof of insurance. Follow all laws, especially the Heavenly ones.

Peace -


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Replacing the Seat

It was a long week end. Between the snow and freezing temperatures, hockey games and rehearsals, there was more than a few tasks around the house that needed attention.

Repair the Garage Door again or replace the toilet seat in the first floor powder room. Wanting to start out on a small project and be successful, I went for the bathroom project. How long could it take? Ten minutes max, which included time to wash up.

As I started the project on Sunday at 8:30 AM, I realized this was not going to be easy. The plastic lock washers were frozen to the metal bolts that held the seat on the porcelain.

WD 40, Lock Ease, Brake Clean, Navel Jelly - the solvents you normally use to free up these types of thing did not work. Another trip to the basement for more tools. Bolt cutters, hack saws, screw drivers, vice grips, crescent wrenches, socket sets, and more rags. This was turning out to be a bad deal. I got frustrated as a ten minute task had gone on for an hour. On my way up the stairs, I left my good manners in the basement. I was getting angry with life.

The first lock washer took another hour to cut off the bolt. It wasn't funny anymore. I realized that the entire toilet would have to come off the floor in order to gain access to the other lock washer. By 11:30 AM, the toilet was off the floor and the wax ring was in the garbage. It was time to leave for the hockey game. I had to apologize to Sue and the kids for my bad temper on the way up to the Winter Club.

It may be a funny story today , but I was not happy at all that day. The project was finished at 8:30 PM when I returned from Home Depot with a replacement handle that I had broken earlier in the day.

Monday, I received an e-mail at work called Weekly Wisdom. The quote was appropriate for the weekend. I want to share it with you:

I can't give away what I don't have: If I can't love others, it's because I don't know that God loves me. In hindsight, I let the frustration of my day get in the way of my knowledge that God really does love me.

True love can come only from God, for he is the only source of unconditional love. As followers in Christ, we are to allow God's love to flow through us to the world.

A new command I give you, Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34)

May your week be full of wisdom and love.



Friday, February 27, 2009

Game On!

The end of the Hockey season is here, and for the past three weekends we have been traveling up to Lake Forest to Play at the Winter Club.

This past Saturday, it snowed so much that the kids could not even pass the puck more than 10 feet. The Zamboni came out between the periods to clean the ice, but it did not make much difference. It was crazy, you could not follow the puck, only guess where it was at.

Last night, the team had a game scheduled for 5:30 PM at the same place. All day long I thought the game would be canceled, but it was not. Sue had to drive the kids up there for the game. It rained almost the entire game, and it picked up with intensity as the game wore on. The Evanston Mites lost the game, but they are improving, Joey said the puck looked like a motor boat. Wherever the puck moved, a tail of water followed it.

As we progress week by week and move away from Ash Wednesday and advance in the weeks leading up to Easter, we have to be prepared to do God's Work no matter what the conditions are.

Driving into work today I heard a song on the radio called 'You are still Holy' by Kim Hill. Here is a partial list of the lyrics:

And so I come into Your chamber, And I dance at your Feet, Lord. You are my Savior, And I'm at your mercy. All that has been in my life, Up till now, It belongs to You. You are still Holy.'

Let us become a reflection of God's pure love for us.

Grace & Peace


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time to Work Out

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:12-13

Once we decide to get serious about becoming like Christ, we must begin to act in new ways. Wel need to let go of some old routines, develop some new habits, and intentionally change the way we think.

The verse above shows the two parts of spiritual growth: "work out" and "work in."The "work out" is our responsibility and the "work in" is God's role. Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between us and the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit works with us, not just in us.

We are all training for the marathon to the foot of the Cross. Work out the details.



Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Walking Man

If any person is in Christ, they are a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Twenty Nine Years have passed since I accompanied my parents to 6:30 AM mass for 40 days in a row. I knew I was lucky to be alive, and for some reason, I went to the little chapel at St. John Brebuef in Niles every day during lent. Whenever Ash Wednesday arrives, I remember those early mornings.

As time has gone by, I believe that we do become new in Christ. Every day He calls, every day we respond.

As we travel the Road to Emmaus, we are not alone. Christ is with us, calling us to become a new person.

Peace Be with You


Monday, February 23, 2009

Incomming Calls are Free

He saved us and he called us to be his own people, not because of what we have done, but because of his own purpose and grace.

2 Timothy 1:9

It's not about our individual success in life. It's about our success in God. We are formed in His image, to do His work. Are we open to his call today?

Grace & Peace


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live Mark 8:35

It was last Friday night, the extended Family came together to support Mom on her Birthday. It was a surprise party, and she is particularly tough to pull one over on her, but we did it.

My brother Tom and his wife Liana were gracious to have the party at their house. We were all there by 5:30 PM. Nana was to arrive somewhere around 6 PM. What we didn't know was that after having lunch in Wrigleyville with Rob & Mary. A burger and a beer tired her out. Getting ready to go out for dinner, she took a nap at home. They got to the party at 7PM.

She was totally taken by surprise. It was only the second time in her life that she had been fooled, according to her.

As the end of the night drew near, we sat in the living room and the words began to flow. She exclaimed that she felt 'So blessed' to have family, friends, and love.

We are blessed when we live our lives for Christ. Start your day at the foot of the Cross. Everything good starts and ends here. We are blessed to know this. We are blessed to have each other.

Papa will start his birthday today at the foot of the cross, braking bread with Jesus. He lived for the Good News, and he knows that life is eternal.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today's Goal

I did this as an example so that you should do as I have done for you. John 13:15

Seeing Jesus is what Christianity is all about. To see and imitate Christ, is the sum of who we are.

It is not always easy, but this is our goal.



Monday, February 16, 2009

Put Your Game Day On

It was the end of the season. The last game. We all went to support our young 6th grade son and the team.

I did not understand why there was no Tournament. I remember growing up and everything always ended in a tournament.

As the game continued, the St. A's Red Hawks began to show how much discipline they had leaned over the course of the year. Quick Passes, determination to shoot, rebound, play defense, and have fun.

It dawned on me that we don't need tournaments in our lives all the time. We practice everyday for who we are today.

In the final quarter of the game, with a comfortable lead, the coach encouraged all the kids to attempt a three point shot. He continued to rotate kids in the game, to get everyone a change to make the shot.

With 5 seconds on the clock, the reached the baseline and John Charron shot one up from 8 feet out, it hit the rim and came back down. Johnny grabbed the ball, came out to three point range, turned, and launched one. The buzzer sounded right after the ball left his hands. Hit did not hit the rim. it went right threw the net! He scored a three pointer!

The look of wonder and accomplishment was wonderful to witness. John will always remember that shot and so will those that were there to witness it.

As Christ is our coach, how will we walk in His footsteps today? What do we remember from the playbook, from practice? Can we get it done?

Pray hard, Play hard. No prior tournament experience is necessary.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We grow up wanting a relationship. We marry, have children, pets, and two cars. This relationship is bigger than just a single person.

Your marriage and even your friendships with fellow believers in Christ are a reflection of the love we have as a gift from God.

It is easy to live life in a vacuum, separated from God, but it's not about ourselves, its about what with we do with the gift that God gave us and what we do with it.

As you connect with family and friends today, consider how your love is an expression of God's glory acting through you.

Peace & Love


Monday, February 9, 2009

Where will Today lead us?

God wants you start with the faith you have; and based on the example of the mustard seed, you don’t need a whole lot of faith to do great things for God. You just need a little.

So here’s a trustworthy equation:

Little Faith + Big God = Huge Results!

· You take your little faith; “Lord, I believe! Help me with my unbelief!”

· And you place your faith in our big God,

· And then he’ll show you how he works out huge results.

Grace & Peace


Friday, February 6, 2009

National Signing Day

Every day, the one section of the news paper that I pick up first is the Sports section. Always has been that way. Not that I don't read the whole thing, but for some reason I like sports first. The Chicago Tribune was no different than any other news paper in the country yesterday. It was National Signing Day for College Football recruits.

Colleges all across the country were so proud of their recruiting classes. Pictures of young men signing letters, putting on jerseys, and telling stories about how difficult the choices were. I stared at their faces, they are just kids.

As I sat there reading, I could not help but think that this small part of their life, the years they play college football, will be over before they know it. Then what?

Michael Phelps found out this week that when you stray off track, trouble finds it's when into your life.

As we send our kids off to school, I hope we can say they are playing on Christ's Team. We play forever, and the rewards are unlimited when we start every day at the foot of the Cross. He is our Coach and Mentor.

Have a great weekend playing with your Team.

Grace & Peace


** Happy Birthday Tom Dormin - 39 Yrs Old

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Spirit Lives

By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. 1 John 4:13

Many things out of our control pull us away from who we are. They continue to happen. A fire at Holy Name Cathedral, the untimely death of 10 year old student in Evanston, the ailing economy and yet the struggle to live and move forward continues.

Lift your head up, today brings a new day, and new hope.

The Holy Spirit is with each of us. Be silent, listen, pray and find your direction.

Then make lunches for the kids, get the kids to school, do the laundry, go to work, cook dinner, walk the dog, help kids with homework, pay the bills, and clean the house.

It is hectic, but the Spirit is Alive in each in each of us. How else can we get through the day?

Grace & Peace


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inquiring Minds

For several months, our 6th grade son has asked this question. "Dad, at the end of Mass, why do we say - The Mass is over, go in Peace to love and serve the Lord, Thanks be to God?"

He is very literal. Does it mean "Thank You" as in we are grateful for having come together to worship, or does it mean "Thank God, the Mass is over?"

This past weekend, he wanted to know why the Pastor used waxed candles to bless the throats of the Parishioners on the Feast Day of St. Blaise.. I tried to look up the wax candle bit on Goggle, but I could still not find an answer.

We accept things on this side of Heaven, knowing that we will come to understand everything when we rest in eternal salvation.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What's in a Name

In 1972, after receiving a less than a stellar grade on a spelling test from Mrs. Barber, at St. John Brebuef School in Niles, I had to have my test signed by my parents. I forgot and it was time to turn the test in. Looking for a way out, I asked the smartest girl in the room, Mary Lee, how to spell Mrs. Patton. I knew I had the Patton part down, but was not sure about how to spell Mrs. I learned that morning, that Mrs. is spelled "Misses". And so I forged my Mom's signature on the test. Oh sure I got caught, but I don't recall the consequences. I just remembered the love from my Mom.

This week, our second grade son came home from school with a similar problem. He had scored 18/24 on his spelling test. We have been practicing and trying to improve each week. On my way home from work, I got a call from the older brother. "Hey Dad, Joey asked me if I could sign your name in cursive on his spelling test." I could only laugh. He is trying the same scheme I tried 37 years ago. I do give him credit though, he found someone that knew how to spell my name correctly.

There was no punishment, only a discussion about right and wrong.

In the experience, I can only hope and pray that he will continue to seek the truth in his life.. There is one Truth.

His name is easy to spell . J-E-S-U-S.

Grace & Peace


Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday

See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are! 1 John 3:1

Being God's Children allows us to see Him as our Heavenly and Earthly Father.

As children, one of the things we look forward to is Birthday Parties. In the Patton House, February was and is a big birthday month:

Greg - 2/2; Charlie 2/2; Laura 2/11; Mom 2/13; Uncle George 2/13, Papa 2/18, and Grandpa Stan 2/28. I may have missed 1 or two.

Over the years we have tried to gather to celebrate the birthdays on a regular basis.

Our children are still talking about last February in 2008. We were celebrating the birthdays, and my Dad stood up to read a poem that he had written for the occasion. The poem was in honor of my mother. I can't remember the words, but I do recall the emotions.

As he stood reading, he trembled and cried as he cited his love and thanks for his wife of 50 years. They were and will always be best friends. He was normally not a crier at such events, but this was different. We knew his health was not improving on a daily basis, although he could still get out and clear the driveway of 8" of snow on any given day.

Our children from time to time will ask us why Papa was crying that night. When you love someone so much, and you have to say goodbye, tears come from your heart. They are not your words, but they are the words of the Holy Spirit.

We come from God, and we return to God. We always belong to Him.

Love your families like Christ loved Children. It is a special place to be, and the memories that come from the walls of your house will last a lifetime.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Coffee & Then Some

Standing in line to buy a cup a coffee, the customer in front of me at the counter inquired about buying a gift card. 'Do you have envelopes for the gift cards' asked the customer.

The person at the register was new and had no idea. Another employee said they did and politely responded to the customer accordingly.

An interesting comment was made during the exchange between the two employees. The more experienced coffee Barista said, 'Be the Customer, look through their eyes, what do you see?'

I got my coffle as expected, but left with more than I went in for.

Can we use our eyes to see what Jesus sees, to be what He is, make the world a better place by utilizing His love through our arms?

Enjoy your coffee today. Leave your worries at the foot of the Cross. His plan will work through you today.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Saw What I Saw

Please folow this link to view a video which has music by Sara Groves. The name of the song is 'I Saw What I Saw'.

Where did Courage take Jesus? Where will it take you today, and tomorrow?

Grace & Peace


Monday, January 26, 2009

Love First - Win Second

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23-24

As we serve Christ, let us keep our eyes and ears open for His voice. He is constantly calling. Are we always listening?

Saturday night, bed time on Lincolnwood Drive. Katie pulls a book out of the drawer that is similar to Where's Waldo. Find the pictures hidden on the page. This particular book was Winnie the Pooh. She had me beat on every page. One page in particular, she was off her game and didn't not find as many as her Dad.

I told her 'I won'. I keep thinking about her response. 'Daddy, it's not about winning, it's about loving'.

If we can love eachother as Christ loves us, we all win.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Work the Plan

If you can’t ask God to make you a success at what you’re doing, you should be doing something else. God doesn't want you to waste your life.

We come from many backgrounds and families, we all do what we do to make a living and support our families.

We must also support our Spiritual life through prayer, communication, and action with God and our families.

Keep Planning the Work, and Work the Plan



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Son & The Water

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

For some reason, all the children in 4th, 3rd, and 2nd Grade in our Parish received the Sacrament of Reconciliation this year. I did not bother asking why it was so early, I just went along with it. There comes a point in the ceremony when the child and the parents walk back to the Baptismal Waters and recite a prayer. We presented Joey with a cross on a chain and we blessed it. While Sue and I read the prayer together, I got caught off guard when reading some of the words. "At Baptism, you were blessed with water. Today, we bless this cross that Jesus may keep you safe, until you return to Him in eternal salvation.'

It has been 9 months since my father passed away. He looked forward to eternal salvation. I know he is happy. But I just was not ready to read it to our son, but I did because I knew it was the right thing to do.

I woke early today as a trip to the grocery store was in order. Yes, little Katie got the stomach flu last night. Every hour on the hour, my wife, a Saint at times like these, got up to comfort her. Driving East on Central Street towards Dominick's, the sun rise over the lake today was beautiful. The sun reflected off the small puffy clouds that seemed endless. The sun never ended.

Driving to work today, I put the two scenes together. Our relationship with Jesus is endless. He wants us near Him. The Sacrament, although earlier than usual, brings us closer to Christ, which is always a good thing.

The Son is also endless. We don't have to be near a lake to see Him. He is in every day, wherever we are.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


JOY comes by putting Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.

We all have certain responsibilities in life that must be accomplished everyday. Work, School, Travel, Sports, Family, and Church.

The common thread through all of them is JOY. Think about it, and let yourself wonder in the possibilities what can happen when you let go, and let Jesus take your burden and control in your life.

Grace & Peace


Friday, January 16, 2009

Filling Up Your Tank

“Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything” (Philippians 4:6)

Life is not easy for anyone. In these uncertain economic times, stress can certainly increase beyond our ability to handle it.

It is easy to say 'Don't worry about anything', but we are human and it's in our nature to worry.

However, the more we fill our mind with prayer and thought with a Christ centered life, the less room there is for other things. When you talk to God today, ask Him to fill your tank up. It won't cost a dime. Refills are free too.

Stay Warm


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Marley & Jesus

Many people enjoy their pets, and this year we joined the list of those who have a Dog in the house. We found Rufus in a shelter on Irving Park Road in Chicago in the Fall of 2008.

While watching late night television this week, a commercial came on for the movie, Marley & Me. We have not taken the kids to see the movie yet, but it's on our list of things to do. During the TV advertisement, someone says, 'A Dog does not care if you are rich or poor. If you give your heart, he'll give one back in return.'

While we love our Rufus, and as Christian's, we also love Jesus. The same rules apply with Him as well.

Give your heart to Jesus, and He will give you His heart in return.

Grace & Peace


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

God at Work

I truly beleive that God works through all of us. We don't know the all the reasons why, or how the entire portrait of our lives is put together, but we are all together for a reason. We are the Body of Christ. Each of us has a unique ability and gift to make this life and this world a better place.

The following link shows the life of a man which is extremely inspirational, motivational, and real. I encourage you to copy and paste the link into your web browser, watch the 5 minute video, and then ask yourself again - how bad is today? Can you get up and face the challenge in front of you? Can you make a difference today?

God is calling all of us. Allow Him to Work through you.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Sending Place

The church shouldn't just be a meeting for Christians; it ought to be a sending place for Christians.

Every time we enter into mass, we are called to the hear Christ's Word. We are invited to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion and we are filled with the Spirit. Every time we leave mass, we are given a blessing as we return to start a new day or week.

We and not just walking out of church, but we are sent forth to do His work in our families, in our neighborhoods, with the homeless, and with the person checking our groceries as Dominick's.

We are blessed. Make joyful noise to the Lord. Whatever you give Him, will be replenished in full.

Grace & Peace


Monday, January 12, 2009

The Birthday Table

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24-25

There is excitement in the Patton House again as Joey celebrates his 8th Birthday. Leaving for work this morning, I walked into his room to slip in a kiss, he was sleeping. His big brother Timmy decorated the room with Red and Blue streamers. It was not something I expected to see. It had to take some time. Streamers over the door, the bed rail, the window, and the ceiling of the room. But Timmy is like that, he goes the extra mile to help people feel good about themselves. The love between the kids is fun to watch (when you can see it) as it continues to develop.

Walking downstairs to make lunches for the kids, I could see that Sue had decorated the Birthday Table with wrapped gifts, pictures, and a special table cloth that her Grandmother had sewn many years ago. It will be a fun day for all.

Take moments in your life to celebrate the love that God has given to your family.

It makes the snow go away!

Grace & Peace


Friday, January 9, 2009

Linus Said.....

It feels like Christmas outside today. Christmas is special because of all the traditions we have embedded into our lives. Over the Holidays, we were watching Charlie Brown Christmas for the umpteenth time, and Linus quotes the Gospel...

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:11-12

How many times have we heard this Gospel? The Savior has been born for you.

Jesus was born for all of us. My relationship with Him must be one and one, but it must also be shared with the world.
When you internalize His love for you, all you can do is smile and return the love to others.

Grace & Peace


Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Servant

Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Mark 10:43

The world defines greatness in terms of power, obsessions, prestige, and position. If you can demand service from others, you’ve arrived. In our self-serving culture with its me-first mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept.

Jesus, however, measured greatness in terms of service, not status.

God determines your greatness by how many people you serve, not how many people serve you.

Whatever we do and wherever we are, the opportunity will present itself today. Housewives, Mothers, Bus Drivers, Lawyers, Nurses, Doctors, Office Workers, Teachers, Fathers, and Children.

Let us serve one another in His name. One moment at a time.

Grace & Peace


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You Don't Always Get What You Want

Now I really rejoice when something does not go as I wish - because I see that He wants our trust - that is why we should praise God as if we have got everything.

Things don't always work out the want them to. We never get want completely. Are we disappointed? It is easy to be dissapointed when we fail. The above quote from Mother Theresa puts things in perspective quite a bit. Give your failures to God, He can work miracles with them.

Grace & Peace


Monday, January 5, 2009

20 + C + M + B + 09

Take down the tree. Wrap up the decorations. Clean the needles from the floor. Send the kids back to school. We are all in the Post Holiday reality today that means we grind through the next few months and pray for no sickness in the house and fair weather. Can Spring Break get here fast enough?

I was not looking forward to getting up today. At 4 AM, I heard Katie stir in her bed, and talking in her sleep, she said, 'Good Morning God'. She was dreaming, and went back to sleep.

As I lay silent, and thoughts entered my consciousness, I recalled the Feast Day of the Three Kings. At St. Athanasius, the Pastor uses a stick of chalk and writes 20 + C + M + B + 09.

on the stone archway near the entrance to the church. It reminds us that we, like the three kings, are on a pilgrimage to spread the good news of Jesus through the world. Wherever we are, the Love of Christ remains in our hearts and lives.

We are called to continue the Good News of Christmas.

Grace & Peace


Friday, January 2, 2009

Ready or Not - Here He Comes

Growing up as kids, we spent a lot of time outside and one of the games that would come at as the street lights turned on was hide and go seek. Count to ten and scream - 'Ready or not , here I come'. There was always spot on the block that was a 'free' zone. If you reached that particular location before being tagged, you were safe.

Another year has passed and 2009 is welcomed by all of us.

God wants us in the game.

God is not necessarily looking for ability, He is looking for availability.

All things are possible with Christ. Be available to Him, and let His spirit and love guide you through each day.

Grace & Peace


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