Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What's in a Name

In 1972, after receiving a less than a stellar grade on a spelling test from Mrs. Barber, at St. John Brebuef School in Niles, I had to have my test signed by my parents. I forgot and it was time to turn the test in. Looking for a way out, I asked the smartest girl in the room, Mary Lee, how to spell Mrs. Patton. I knew I had the Patton part down, but was not sure about how to spell Mrs. I learned that morning, that Mrs. is spelled "Misses". And so I forged my Mom's signature on the test. Oh sure I got caught, but I don't recall the consequences. I just remembered the love from my Mom.

This week, our second grade son came home from school with a similar problem. He had scored 18/24 on his spelling test. We have been practicing and trying to improve each week. On my way home from work, I got a call from the older brother. "Hey Dad, Joey asked me if I could sign your name in cursive on his spelling test." I could only laugh. He is trying the same scheme I tried 37 years ago. I do give him credit though, he found someone that knew how to spell my name correctly.

There was no punishment, only a discussion about right and wrong.

In the experience, I can only hope and pray that he will continue to seek the truth in his life.. There is one Truth.

His name is easy to spell . J-E-S-U-S.

Grace & Peace


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, once i asked him to sign one of my bad tests too, but i got caught cause he really can't sign your name well.
