Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Only those who throw away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the Good News will ever know what it means to really live Mark 8:35

It was last Friday night, the extended Family came together to support Mom on her Birthday. It was a surprise party, and she is particularly tough to pull one over on her, but we did it.

My brother Tom and his wife Liana were gracious to have the party at their house. We were all there by 5:30 PM. Nana was to arrive somewhere around 6 PM. What we didn't know was that after having lunch in Wrigleyville with Rob & Mary. A burger and a beer tired her out. Getting ready to go out for dinner, she took a nap at home. They got to the party at 7PM.

She was totally taken by surprise. It was only the second time in her life that she had been fooled, according to her.

As the end of the night drew near, we sat in the living room and the words began to flow. She exclaimed that she felt 'So blessed' to have family, friends, and love.

We are blessed when we live our lives for Christ. Start your day at the foot of the Cross. Everything good starts and ends here. We are blessed to know this. We are blessed to have each other.

Papa will start his birthday today at the foot of the cross, braking bread with Jesus. He lived for the Good News, and he knows that life is eternal.

Grace & Peace


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