Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Real Thing

Many years ago, a refrigerator magnet found its way into our house. It is a small red and white circle. Inside the circle is the trademark of Coca-Cola. But the words are different. It says, 'Jesus Christ - The Real Thing.' The refrigerators these days don't hold magnets, but I smile when I see it in the kitchen drawer full of things.

Our lives are full of things.

When you head out the door today, take the most important thing with you.

Grace & Peace


Monday, May 18, 2009

Lookin Fine

The nighttime bedtime stories have grown to include the Look and Find Books. Katie has now found some other books that belonged to her siblings. We have been looking at the 'I Spy' book for several weeks. She can't wait to look through them at night. It's pretty difficult sometimes as your eyes can't focus on the tiny printing in the book.

Saturday morning was particularly hilarious for us. Upon entering her room to wake her up, she lifts her little head off the pillow, looks at my way, and says, 'Hey Dad - Lookin Fine'. Not what I expected to hear from a 5 year old. I moved a little closer, and she said it again, 'Lookin Fine'.

I told her that she Looked Fine too, going along with the word game. I did not understand yet what she was talking about.

Finally, with a great big laugh, she said, 'Get the Look and Find Book' and lets play.

Sometimes we see can not see or hear things things as they truly are. We make mistakes when we do not put Christ in the front of ourselves. If we look and find Him, everything else should fall into place.

Have a great week


Friday, May 15, 2009

Signs & Things

Some people in life can recall their dreams every night in vivid detail. I am not one of those people. Once in a while, two or three times a year, I have a dream that wakes me up at night. Last night was one of those nights.

I was working with my Dad in the garage on Olcott Street in Niles. Building, Sawing, Gluing, Hammering. It was great to be there. So comfortable. So real.

3 A.M. You wake up, and realize it was just a dream. I looked out the bedroom window, opened it to let some fresh air in the room. I noticed a sign on my neighbors lawn that was not there earlier in the day. Couldn't read it, but it was there.

6 A.M. Wake up for work feeling good. Had a nice talk with my Dad last night. Smile on the face.

The sign on my neighbors lawn was for the Evanston Travel Soccer Team. Registration is open.

God sends us signs all the time. Who's team are we on?

What a great Coach we have in Jesus.

Have a blessed weekend


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'I do what he says, I love him, he's mine brother.'

Summer was here for 1 day this year. The kids were in the yard. Basketball, Football, Wrestling - Skinned Knees, Bloody Elbows, and Dirty Clothes.

As she was running into the house with her muddy shoes, I had to ask her what was going on. She was sent to get water. I asked her to take off her shoes. She said no, with a smile on her face, and said she had to do what Timmy instructed her to do because she loved him.

O.K. Good answer so far.

Sweeping the floor after she left the house, I smiled at her answer.

May everything we do today be out of love for one another, and for Christ.