Friday, March 6, 2009

Room 102

It was a place I never expected to be. In early January, a Skokie Policeman issued me a ticket to appear in court at 1:30 PM, Room 102 of the Skokie Court House. The ticket was issued because the occupant of my car allegedly rolled a stop sign. To make matters worse, someone forgot to put proof of insurance in the car.

The court room was crowded. The County Sheriff employee instructed everyone to slide towards the wall, make room for everyone else.

A court room is a weird place. Accused, but really not guilty, I waited for my friend, also an attorney.

The Judge called my name. Before I made it to the front of the court room, the license that had my picture on it was handed back to me. It was amazing for me to see the lawyers work. They know the each other, they know the system, and they know the law.

The law and the truth created freedom last week. I am extremely grateful to Tom Lienenweber for his friendship.

While I look back a last week for a lesson, the following sticks in my mind. In Jesus, we also know the law and the truth. Jesus has a great job and the benefits are amazing too. If you believe in Him, and follow the law, you can be His best friend forever.

Have a great weekend. Come to a full stop. Have your proof of insurance. Follow all laws, especially the Heavenly ones.

Peace -


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