Monday, January 12, 2009

The Birthday Table

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24-25

There is excitement in the Patton House again as Joey celebrates his 8th Birthday. Leaving for work this morning, I walked into his room to slip in a kiss, he was sleeping. His big brother Timmy decorated the room with Red and Blue streamers. It was not something I expected to see. It had to take some time. Streamers over the door, the bed rail, the window, and the ceiling of the room. But Timmy is like that, he goes the extra mile to help people feel good about themselves. The love between the kids is fun to watch (when you can see it) as it continues to develop.

Walking downstairs to make lunches for the kids, I could see that Sue had decorated the Birthday Table with wrapped gifts, pictures, and a special table cloth that her Grandmother had sewn many years ago. It will be a fun day for all.

Take moments in your life to celebrate the love that God has given to your family.

It makes the snow go away!

Grace & Peace


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha i started the streamer tradition!!!!!!!!!!! just had to say that!!!!!!!!
