Friday, July 10, 2009

12:34:56 07/08/09

Every day is unique for some reason. On Wednesday of this past week, someone informed me that the time and date numerical sequence was a once in a lifetime occurrence.

Well, if you count both the AM and PM, maybe it occurs twice. Everything happens in time.

For the last month, a local artist who lives on Lincolnwood Avenue has sculptures are on display at the Sears Tower. Mike Finnegan is a persons very patient, creative, and kind. He helps me out with different solutions to construction questions. Mike is a carpenter, a musician, and an artist. In a lot of ways, he reminds me of my own father.

There is an article in this weeks Pioneer Press (Evanston Review) about Mike. In it, he says that creating art is similar to playing a musical instrument. It is a groove that you find and create from.

Apply this to our own faith. Faith, on a shelf, in the family room of your house, is just faith. We have to find the groove apply it, and create it. Jesus did it, and so can we.

Grace & Peace


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