Friday, December 19, 2008

When Does Christmas Begin

The annual Christmas Show at St. Athanasius School in Evanston was center stage last night. 350 students gather on the stage and 400 or so parents and grandparents crowded the gym in anticipation of the children. It is never a disappointment.

This was our 10th Show at St. A's, with 9 more to go. Some families have been there for 27 years, 36 years, and 42 years. Children smiled with pride as they perform on stage. You can see it in there eyes. Parents taking pictures and movies also were smiling with pride. After a lot of hard work, Christmas Day will come and go. Family Memories will be made that we will cherish for many years to come.

One of the lines I heard spoken at the performance was: "The real work of Christmas begins when the Shepards return to the Fields." How true that is. We have to embrace the life and the message of the baby Jesus. Live the Faith.

"Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your Heart"

Grace & PeaceTim

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