Tuesday, December 30, 2008

From My Cubicle to Yours

One of the convenient things about work these days is the ability to report to remote locations and 'Hotel'. Not reporting to your exact location, but logging in from a location closer to home, and getting the work done without the hassle of traffic and weather delays. Conference calls, Speaker phones, and Cell phones are constantly providing feed and noise at the remote locations, but it is convenient.

While I am not too nosy (at least I think so), I did hear someone talking about a gift he received from his sister. It was a knife to cut the hard plastic wrapping off of the toys that are often given to children. The gadget even came with batteries. He was amazed at how good it was and said that he could not live without it; he said 'it makes his life so much easier.'

Lots of things make our life better, but it all starts with allowing ourselves to know the Creator and His plans for us.

Start your day with prayer and reflection, cut right through the plastic, and get to God as fast as you can. You can't live without it, and it will make you're life so much better.

No reward for being first, it's just a good place to be.

Grace & Peace


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