Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Birthday List

It was a quick dinner table conversation between three of the children who were excitedly eating a pizza from Barnaby's. Who was coming on Sunday for Timmy's Birthday Dinner.

Katie said it was Omi & Opi, Nana & Papa. Joe said it Nana would be coming by herself.

I listened as Katie said it again. Papa is still coming, his spirit will be here.

There are many days we will all must get up and move on - missing those who have left this life - in exchange for a front row seat with Jesus. But we are never alone.

Shortly after our father died in April of this past year, a friend gave me the following quote written by St. John Cantus: 'He whom you have loved and lost is no longer where he was, he is, wherever you are'.

We live our entire lives celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He died for us so that we may have eternal life. As Christians we seek to live and follow in the footsteps of Christ. He is alive. He is with us wherever we go.

How natural it is to believe that Papa is coming for the Birthday Dinner tonight.

Grace & Peace


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