Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

What you do every day makes a difference in someone's life. We leave a trace of ourselves on everyone we encounter , no matter how brief we are there. Be open to every situation and find your purpose. The Holiday weekend will present many opportunities to bring Jesus to all we meet.

Before the snow started falling this year, I found myself playing a game of basketball in the alley with the kids after work. We did lay ups, jump shots, and Papa shots. A Papa shot is standing 6 feet from the basket, with your back facing the hoop. Bending backwards, you launch the ball toward the rim. I tried several times, to no avail. Joey walked up and drops the first attempt in - with his tongue hanging out of his mouth for good measure.

As I laid down in bed that particular evening, our bed was made, and there was two drawings from Joey on my pillow. He wrote 'Joe & Dad" on each one. And on each one, he drew a huge picture of the Sun in the upper right corner of the page.

I keep thinking back to the Sun on those pictures. I am hoping that while our children remember the sunny days in their life, the also remember that the Son of God is what makes it all possible.

It is what we do everyday that makes this connection possible. It is who we are as the family of Christ.

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Have a wonderful and blessed day with those you love. Memories will last for a lifetime.

Grace & Peace


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