Monday, December 29, 2008

The Christmas Ornament

From the Chronicles of life on Lincolnwood Drive in Evanston comes a story of disappointment and hope.

A neighbor who who is a great guy, always puts up a rather large Christmas tree in his home. After the tree was put up, his wife continued to decorate the tree with a collection of antique ornaments, some which were over 100 years old.

I heard the news one day prior to Christmas that the tree had fallen down and one third of the glass ornaments had been destroyed. Quit naturally, the family was very sad over the loss of the ornaments. They were irreplaceable.

A week later, there was a knock at the door. A friend, someone that this homeowner knew as an acquaintance from pre-school, walked in with a box of spare ornaments. In the box, were duplicates of the ornaments that had been broken days earlier. The ornaments were then given - no strings attached.

The story was very touching and the ending could not be better.

Whenever we are broken and disappointed, Jesus is waiting for us to talk with Him in prayer. The burden that we carry will be lifted from our heart - no strings attached.

Grace & Peace


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