Friday, December 26, 2008

The Baby & The Manger

May the peace and love of the new baby Jesus be with you.

So much effort goes into this one day, by so many people, and I just wanted to share life at the 4 PM Children's Mass from St. Athanasius Church in Evanston with you.

The Church is busy with activity 1 hour before the mass begins. The Children's Choir arrives, and parents start filling up the seats. It becomes a Standing Room Only Crowd by 4 PM. The Gospel reading for the Children's mass is read by Fr. Tom, and the play is acted out by the children of the parish. Joseph, Mary, Angels, Shepard's, and The Three Kings are all present. Every costume is unique. A bathrobe, a towel over the head, a rope, a belt, home made wings, store bought wings, and the traditional costumes provided by the Religious Education Office. As the play is winding down, I could see so many parents taking pictures and waving to their children on the altar. The children were waving back too.

It is during this time in the mass that the baby Jesus is placed in the Manger on the altar. A young girl sitting near us, maybe 4 or 5 years old, walked up to the altar as Fr. Tom was deep in the ritual of the mass, and she stood at the Manger looking at the scenery. She proceeded to reach in and grab one of the animals and hold it over her head as she looked back at the congregation. She placed the animals back in the manger and returned excitedly to her seat, with a huge smile on her face.

Wrapping presents that night with my wife, I could not help but reflect on the mass. In addition to the significance of Christmas, take time to wave hello to Jesus as you continue your holiday traditions this week and next. Jesus is waiting to wave back at you.

And like the little girl who walked up the the Manger, do not be afraid to grab hold of your faith and show it to the world.

We are stronger when we gather in His name.

Grace & Peace


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