Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

The Alarm on my wife's radio is set to music at 5 AM everyday. I also have an alarm clock on my side of the bed, and we both ignore them and keep hitting the snooze button. This morning, Sue was dialed into ESPN Sports Radio. I didn't know she was such a sports fan, but I enjoyed the talk show coming across the airwaves. All radio and television shows this day and next will focus on those who have left us this year. And that is was they started talking about - what famous sports greats had died this past year.. I hit the snooze button and got out of bed. Lot's of people have died this past year, I did not want to hear about the famous ones. To me, all of our loved ones who have left this world to live with Jesus are famous.

Live your life in the promise of eternal salvation, do God's work, and live forever in heaven. That qualifies for famous.

The morning continued. After writing a few checks and eating breakfast, Rufus needed to go for a walk. Just before reaching the mailbox at Ewing and Central, I took a slip and fall crossing the street. Rising up to my feet, a motorist asked if I was OK. I think so, some may argue differently, so I told the motorist that it was all good.

At the same corner as the mail box, which is across the street from Blockbuster, is the one and only Heaven Meets Earth Yoga studio. Once again, I went window shopping and read a lot of the things that Lisa places in her shop. One sign in particular caught my eye:

May the Long Time Sun Shine upon you

All Love surround you

And the pure light within you Guide your way

As we enter the new year, we will stumble and fall once in a while. Nothing is ever perfect. But the one constant in our life is the Son of God. The Pure Light of Jesus is within all of us, and He is waiting to Guide us every step of the way. Open your heart to his love, be filled with the Spirit, and create your little piece of Heaven right here on Earth. We can do it. Let the Light in.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

From My Cubicle to Yours

One of the convenient things about work these days is the ability to report to remote locations and 'Hotel'. Not reporting to your exact location, but logging in from a location closer to home, and getting the work done without the hassle of traffic and weather delays. Conference calls, Speaker phones, and Cell phones are constantly providing feed and noise at the remote locations, but it is convenient.

While I am not too nosy (at least I think so), I did hear someone talking about a gift he received from his sister. It was a knife to cut the hard plastic wrapping off of the toys that are often given to children. The gadget even came with batteries. He was amazed at how good it was and said that he could not live without it; he said 'it makes his life so much easier.'

Lots of things make our life better, but it all starts with allowing ourselves to know the Creator and His plans for us.

Start your day with prayer and reflection, cut right through the plastic, and get to God as fast as you can. You can't live without it, and it will make you're life so much better.

No reward for being first, it's just a good place to be.

Grace & Peace


Monday, December 29, 2008

The Christmas Ornament

From the Chronicles of life on Lincolnwood Drive in Evanston comes a story of disappointment and hope.

A neighbor who who is a great guy, always puts up a rather large Christmas tree in his home. After the tree was put up, his wife continued to decorate the tree with a collection of antique ornaments, some which were over 100 years old.

I heard the news one day prior to Christmas that the tree had fallen down and one third of the glass ornaments had been destroyed. Quit naturally, the family was very sad over the loss of the ornaments. They were irreplaceable.

A week later, there was a knock at the door. A friend, someone that this homeowner knew as an acquaintance from pre-school, walked in with a box of spare ornaments. In the box, were duplicates of the ornaments that had been broken days earlier. The ornaments were then given - no strings attached.

The story was very touching and the ending could not be better.

Whenever we are broken and disappointed, Jesus is waiting for us to talk with Him in prayer. The burden that we carry will be lifted from our heart - no strings attached.

Grace & Peace


Friday, December 26, 2008

The Baby & The Manger

May the peace and love of the new baby Jesus be with you.

So much effort goes into this one day, by so many people, and I just wanted to share life at the 4 PM Children's Mass from St. Athanasius Church in Evanston with you.

The Church is busy with activity 1 hour before the mass begins. The Children's Choir arrives, and parents start filling up the seats. It becomes a Standing Room Only Crowd by 4 PM. The Gospel reading for the Children's mass is read by Fr. Tom, and the play is acted out by the children of the parish. Joseph, Mary, Angels, Shepard's, and The Three Kings are all present. Every costume is unique. A bathrobe, a towel over the head, a rope, a belt, home made wings, store bought wings, and the traditional costumes provided by the Religious Education Office. As the play is winding down, I could see so many parents taking pictures and waving to their children on the altar. The children were waving back too.

It is during this time in the mass that the baby Jesus is placed in the Manger on the altar. A young girl sitting near us, maybe 4 or 5 years old, walked up to the altar as Fr. Tom was deep in the ritual of the mass, and she stood at the Manger looking at the scenery. She proceeded to reach in and grab one of the animals and hold it over her head as she looked back at the congregation. She placed the animals back in the manger and returned excitedly to her seat, with a huge smile on her face.

Wrapping presents that night with my wife, I could not help but reflect on the mass. In addition to the significance of Christmas, take time to wave hello to Jesus as you continue your holiday traditions this week and next. Jesus is waiting to wave back at you.

And like the little girl who walked up the the Manger, do not be afraid to grab hold of your faith and show it to the world.

We are stronger when we gather in His name.

Grace & Peace


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

What you do every day makes a difference in someone's life. We leave a trace of ourselves on everyone we encounter , no matter how brief we are there. Be open to every situation and find your purpose. The Holiday weekend will present many opportunities to bring Jesus to all we meet.

Before the snow started falling this year, I found myself playing a game of basketball in the alley with the kids after work. We did lay ups, jump shots, and Papa shots. A Papa shot is standing 6 feet from the basket, with your back facing the hoop. Bending backwards, you launch the ball toward the rim. I tried several times, to no avail. Joey walked up and drops the first attempt in - with his tongue hanging out of his mouth for good measure.

As I laid down in bed that particular evening, our bed was made, and there was two drawings from Joey on my pillow. He wrote 'Joe & Dad" on each one. And on each one, he drew a huge picture of the Sun in the upper right corner of the page.

I keep thinking back to the Sun on those pictures. I am hoping that while our children remember the sunny days in their life, the also remember that the Son of God is what makes it all possible.

It is what we do everyday that makes this connection possible. It is who we are as the family of Christ.

Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Have a wonderful and blessed day with those you love. Memories will last for a lifetime.

Grace & Peace


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Miracles Happen

The recent weekend storm has brought snow, ice, and high winds everywhere. It has been difficult to navigate the streets, stores, and complete the shopping.

Sledding at Lovelace Park in Evanston was on the agenda for Saturday evening. The Park was dim, the Christmas Lights on the homes surrounding the park were lit, and the snow blowers could be heard in the distance.

The hill was not too busy and the snow was falling softly. Katie kept on saying it was a miracle to be out sledding. It felt great to be outside having fun.

As the evening was about to end, Katie was walking up the hill for the last time. While walking up, another saucer was moving right towards her. I yelled, but she was hit and cut down to the ground instantly. I gasped, I knew she was hurt.

Running down the hill to meet her, she jumped up, and started walking up the hill again. She was talking with the woman that knocked her over. No crying and no tears were a good thing. She started a conversation saying she was alright. Her conversation continued. 'I'm OK. I'm Katie Patton - you can call me Kate the Great. I'm here with my two brothers, and I have a dog named Rufus.'

Today, I keep thinking about how lucky we were last week.

The Miracle was God who walked along Katie as she traveled up the hill.

The same God walks with all of us as we face our hills everyday. When we think it's tough, we are not alone. We never are.

Grace & Peace


Monday, December 22, 2008

Seeing & Beleiving

We have heard it said before that Seeing is Believing. Do you believe that Believing is Seeing?

Can we Believe in the Promise of Christ so much that we actually See it? We are waiting here on the other side of the Gates of Heaven. Can we see the Promise of Christ in each other.

I Believe we can.

Keep the Faith


Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Birthday List

It was a quick dinner table conversation between three of the children who were excitedly eating a pizza from Barnaby's. Who was coming on Sunday for Timmy's Birthday Dinner.

Katie said it was Omi & Opi, Nana & Papa. Joe said it Nana would be coming by herself.

I listened as Katie said it again. Papa is still coming, his spirit will be here.

There are many days we will all must get up and move on - missing those who have left this life - in exchange for a front row seat with Jesus. But we are never alone.

Shortly after our father died in April of this past year, a friend gave me the following quote written by St. John Cantus: 'He whom you have loved and lost is no longer where he was, he is, wherever you are'.

We live our entire lives celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He died for us so that we may have eternal life. As Christians we seek to live and follow in the footsteps of Christ. He is alive. He is with us wherever we go.

How natural it is to believe that Papa is coming for the Birthday Dinner tonight.

Grace & Peace


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Introducing Jesus

We introduce Jesus to everybody we meet by our actions and words. He is everything we are. We celebrate the birth of the Christ in 5 days. If you had the opportunity to introduce Jesus to someone that had never heard of him before, how would you do it? What would you say?

I found a very passionate introduction given by Steve Harvey at

Keep telling your story. We are the Body of Christ.

Grace & Peace


Friday, December 19, 2008

When Does Christmas Begin

The annual Christmas Show at St. Athanasius School in Evanston was center stage last night. 350 students gather on the stage and 400 or so parents and grandparents crowded the gym in anticipation of the children. It is never a disappointment.

This was our 10th Show at St. A's, with 9 more to go. Some families have been there for 27 years, 36 years, and 42 years. Children smiled with pride as they perform on stage. You can see it in there eyes. Parents taking pictures and movies also were smiling with pride. After a lot of hard work, Christmas Day will come and go. Family Memories will be made that we will cherish for many years to come.

One of the lines I heard spoken at the performance was: "The real work of Christmas begins when the Shepards return to the Fields." How true that is. We have to embrace the life and the message of the baby Jesus. Live the Faith.

"Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your Heart"

Grace & PeaceTim