Friday, March 13, 2009

Standing in the Gap

This week, I have been working diligently on some course material for school. Working with two people in Chicago, and three people in Ohio, our Team was assigned a project to develop an Emergency Response Plan to a fictional town called Loganville, South Carolina.

There are several Gaps in the Preliminary Plan. We discussed these with out professor. He said we all have Gaps, but as we proceed forward with the project, we discover what those gaps will dissapear as we come closer to the solution.

His answer applies to more than just course work. It applied to my week, maybe even your week. There are so many things we can not control, so many forces working in the world that are beyond our control. They can be uncomfortable and even unsettling at times. This was one of those weeks.

Long days at work, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and even preparing for Kindergarten. Please add yours on to the list. And I remember the conversation about the Gaps. We have Gaps in out lives that we can not control.

Standing in the Gap is our Savior - Jesus Christ. There is no nothing that can happen to any one of us that we can not handle without His help.

May your week end be blessed.


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