Friday, March 13, 2009

Standing in the Gap

This week, I have been working diligently on some course material for school. Working with two people in Chicago, and three people in Ohio, our Team was assigned a project to develop an Emergency Response Plan to a fictional town called Loganville, South Carolina.

There are several Gaps in the Preliminary Plan. We discussed these with out professor. He said we all have Gaps, but as we proceed forward with the project, we discover what those gaps will dissapear as we come closer to the solution.

His answer applies to more than just course work. It applied to my week, maybe even your week. There are so many things we can not control, so many forces working in the world that are beyond our control. They can be uncomfortable and even unsettling at times. This was one of those weeks.

Long days at work, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and even preparing for Kindergarten. Please add yours on to the list. And I remember the conversation about the Gaps. We have Gaps in out lives that we can not control.

Standing in the Gap is our Savior - Jesus Christ. There is no nothing that can happen to any one of us that we can not handle without His help.

May your week end be blessed.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wings are Optional

'The Harvest is large, but there are few workers to gather it in. Pray to the owner of the Harvest that he will send out workers to gather it in'. Matthew 37-38

Pray that God will allow us to hear Him when the Harvest is to be gathered. He is always calling, sometimes we don't hear the phone.

Keep listening, go forward with the strength and knowledge that Jesus needs you today to do His work.

We are the Angels on earth that can make it happen.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who's in Charge Here?

We should not worry about the future, because our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15).

In other words, God will give you what you need when you need it. Therefore, it is no surprise that Jesus repeatedly tells us not to worry: "Do not worry about tomorrow" (Matthew 6:34).

Again, Jesus emphasized that God loves and cares for us, and we therefore should not worry about our life: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" (Matthew 6:25-27).

Although you don't know what God has in store for you, be assured that He has a good plan for your life (see Romans 8:28). Because He has such a good plan for you, there is no need to worry about life. Although you don't know what tomorrow holds, you have the opportunity to know the one who holds tomorrow!

God is in Control. Yes, we are in the drivers seat, and the burden may seem too heavy at times, but remember to give the Control to God. Give it Up!



Monday, March 9, 2009

Just The Ticket I Wanted

At 2:00 PM on Sunday, the second grade students who are to make their First Holy Communion, gathered in the church at St. Athanasius. The afternoon was billed as a Retreat. The children, as well as the parents were given time in the Church, the School Room , and the Fitzgerald Center (the Chapel).

Our group enededthe day in the Chapel. It was their that Mrs. Bambrick invited the children and adults to meditate, breathe, and invite Jesus into our Heart Room. The Heart Room is a special place where you can talk to Jesus. Hug Jesus. Tell Him what we did right and wrong. Ask for forgiveness.

A candle was lit on a small table in the center of the room. A loaf of Bread and a wine colored drink were also there. A CD player made it a very intimate place. As Mrs. Bambrick talked, she asked the children to recall a special meal, who was there, what they ate, and what was the occasion.

My thoughts wondered to April 12th, 2008. It was then that Fr. Bob came over to Rose Street to give Papa the Holy Eucharist. Fr. Bob politely asked him, "Tom, do you want me to break off a piece?". "No", he responded, "I want the whole thing." And that was the last meal Papa ever needed.

This special meal that the children will be receiving in 8 weeks for the very first time, will be very special. Prior to leaving the room, each of the children were handed a ticket. The ticket read:

Jesus of Nazareth requests the honor
Of your presence at a dinner
To be given in His Honor.
May 2, 2009

The ticket sits on our dining room table, a reminder of what is to come.

May your week be blessed.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Room 102

It was a place I never expected to be. In early January, a Skokie Policeman issued me a ticket to appear in court at 1:30 PM, Room 102 of the Skokie Court House. The ticket was issued because the occupant of my car allegedly rolled a stop sign. To make matters worse, someone forgot to put proof of insurance in the car.

The court room was crowded. The County Sheriff employee instructed everyone to slide towards the wall, make room for everyone else.

A court room is a weird place. Accused, but really not guilty, I waited for my friend, also an attorney.

The Judge called my name. Before I made it to the front of the court room, the license that had my picture on it was handed back to me. It was amazing for me to see the lawyers work. They know the each other, they know the system, and they know the law.

The law and the truth created freedom last week. I am extremely grateful to Tom Lienenweber for his friendship.

While I look back a last week for a lesson, the following sticks in my mind. In Jesus, we also know the law and the truth. Jesus has a great job and the benefits are amazing too. If you believe in Him, and follow the law, you can be His best friend forever.

Have a great weekend. Come to a full stop. Have your proof of insurance. Follow all laws, especially the Heavenly ones.

Peace -


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Replacing the Seat

It was a long week end. Between the snow and freezing temperatures, hockey games and rehearsals, there was more than a few tasks around the house that needed attention.

Repair the Garage Door again or replace the toilet seat in the first floor powder room. Wanting to start out on a small project and be successful, I went for the bathroom project. How long could it take? Ten minutes max, which included time to wash up.

As I started the project on Sunday at 8:30 AM, I realized this was not going to be easy. The plastic lock washers were frozen to the metal bolts that held the seat on the porcelain.

WD 40, Lock Ease, Brake Clean, Navel Jelly - the solvents you normally use to free up these types of thing did not work. Another trip to the basement for more tools. Bolt cutters, hack saws, screw drivers, vice grips, crescent wrenches, socket sets, and more rags. This was turning out to be a bad deal. I got frustrated as a ten minute task had gone on for an hour. On my way up the stairs, I left my good manners in the basement. I was getting angry with life.

The first lock washer took another hour to cut off the bolt. It wasn't funny anymore. I realized that the entire toilet would have to come off the floor in order to gain access to the other lock washer. By 11:30 AM, the toilet was off the floor and the wax ring was in the garbage. It was time to leave for the hockey game. I had to apologize to Sue and the kids for my bad temper on the way up to the Winter Club.

It may be a funny story today , but I was not happy at all that day. The project was finished at 8:30 PM when I returned from Home Depot with a replacement handle that I had broken earlier in the day.

Monday, I received an e-mail at work called Weekly Wisdom. The quote was appropriate for the weekend. I want to share it with you:

I can't give away what I don't have: If I can't love others, it's because I don't know that God loves me. In hindsight, I let the frustration of my day get in the way of my knowledge that God really does love me.

True love can come only from God, for he is the only source of unconditional love. As followers in Christ, we are to allow God's love to flow through us to the world.

A new command I give you, Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (John 13:34)

May your week be full of wisdom and love.

