Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Inquiring Minds

For several months, our 6th grade son has asked this question. "Dad, at the end of Mass, why do we say - The Mass is over, go in Peace to love and serve the Lord, Thanks be to God?"

He is very literal. Does it mean "Thank You" as in we are grateful for having come together to worship, or does it mean "Thank God, the Mass is over?"

This past weekend, he wanted to know why the Pastor used waxed candles to bless the throats of the Parishioners on the Feast Day of St. Blaise.. I tried to look up the wax candle bit on Goggle, but I could still not find an answer.

We accept things on this side of Heaven, knowing that we will come to understand everything when we rest in eternal salvation.

Grace & Peace


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