Monday, January 5, 2009

20 + C + M + B + 09

Take down the tree. Wrap up the decorations. Clean the needles from the floor. Send the kids back to school. We are all in the Post Holiday reality today that means we grind through the next few months and pray for no sickness in the house and fair weather. Can Spring Break get here fast enough?

I was not looking forward to getting up today. At 4 AM, I heard Katie stir in her bed, and talking in her sleep, she said, 'Good Morning God'. She was dreaming, and went back to sleep.

As I lay silent, and thoughts entered my consciousness, I recalled the Feast Day of the Three Kings. At St. Athanasius, the Pastor uses a stick of chalk and writes 20 + C + M + B + 09.

on the stone archway near the entrance to the church. It reminds us that we, like the three kings, are on a pilgrimage to spread the good news of Jesus through the world. Wherever we are, the Love of Christ remains in our hearts and lives.

We are called to continue the Good News of Christmas.

Grace & Peace


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